Do you remember your shoe choices before COVID? Do you recall the sound of stilettos clicking down the halls of busy office buildings? And do you miss the sexy feeling of walking into a room in a pair of designer women’s heels that demanded attention? Sadly, after COVID, all those feelings went away as we languished in our homes, on the couch, in our sweats and sneakers. Research indicates that in 2003, 62% of American women said they wore 2 inch heels, and higher, on a regular basis. But as designer sneakers became the norm, post pandemic, women had no place to go and be seen in their classic heels or pumps, so they opted for comfortable, chic sneakers as their dress-up attire. However, we are happy to finally report that classic heels for ladies are making a comeback. And not only are they coming back, but advancements in footwear technology have made them more comfortable and more unique than ever before. If you find yourself needing a new pair of designer women’s heels for a special occasion, you don’t have to pay Christian Louboutin prices to get a stylish, quality, comfortable classic heel. Although classic women’s heels and pumps might be classified as more of a luxury item, a want more than a need, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t add a few to your collection. Classic heels, such as the Embassy London Roulette, are a great choice for the office or a date night. They are comfortable, and will always add a pop of color to any little black dress. A black classic heel will last a long time and never go out of style, especially if it is made of quality Italian leather. So let your classic heels and pumps be the star this Fall with an interesting heel, a cutout or a splash of color, to add that extra something that’s been missing for far too long.